About WAF

Career Conversion Programme

The Career Conversion Programme (CCP) is an initiative by Workforce Singapore to aid mid-career talents to reskill and take on new job roles.

Workforce Advancement Federation (WAF) is an appointed program manager, where our goal is to aid companies with registration as well as guide them through the process of hiring new professionals and reskilling them, attaining salary support from the government, and provide workshops or any information that may be required.

We are currently administering three CCPs:

You may click on the links for more information on each CCP and how you can register.


Networking & Learning Events

We also organise regular events that provide ideal and fruitful learning experiences for companies to benefit from, such as Learning Journeys to gain knowledge from industry experts and leaders, networking sessions to connect you with influential business leaders, and more.

You can read more about our upcoming and past events here and how you can register.


Grants & Business Solutions

To assist businesses facing any challenges in improving their work processes or overcoming obstacles, we also provide tailored business productivity solutions ranging from job redesigning, HR, accounting, inventory management, cybersecurity, and more.

We will then help to administer grants from the government to alleviate the costs involved in improving your businesses’ productivity, such as the Productivity Solutions Grant.

For more information about our grants and solutions, you may read more about each of them below: